Customer case

Reaching for top performance with the flexibility of Strenx® steel

January 26, 2024 6 min read

Case details

Country Turkey
Company MPG A.Ş.
Industry Lifting
Brand programs My Inner Strenx®

Top performance is always within reach for mobile crane manufacturer MPG. With Strenx® structural steel in vehicle chassis and booms, they get lower crane weight and higher lifting capacity and reach.

Case details

Country Turkey
Company MPG A.Ş.
Industry Lifting
Brand programs My Inner Strenx®

That’s what Veysel Alver, general manager of Turkey’s MPG Machinery Production Group, thinks about Strenx® high-strength steel. In fact, the company has been using Strenx® ever since the steel was launched in 2015. MPG specializes in building truck-mounted foldable and telescopic boom hydraulic cranes, and sells on both domestic and global markets. According to Alver, Strenx® is a go-to high-strength steel for heavy lifting equipment because it simply outperforms the competition. “If anyone asks about high-strength steel, Strenx® will be the first brand that comes to mind."


"With this quality, Strenx faces no competition in the market"

Veysel Alver, general manager at MPG

Veysel Alver, general manager of Turkey’s MPG Machinery Production Group.

Quality you can trust, a range of grades to meet your needs

Alver continues, “We choose Strenx® to ensure the quality results we want,” explaining that the industry expectations left the company no alternative other than using high-strength steels. He adds that in mobile hydraulic cranes, the company’s signature product, they use a combination of Strenx® 960 and Strenx® 1100 steel grades in the booms for superior strength, flexibility and reach, and Strenx® 700 steel in the chassis.

Reaching higher and farther with Strenx® steel

In its production, MPG aims for this optimal solution: to achieve higher lifting capacity, reach longer distances, and minimize crane weight. “As long as Strenx® steel with its high yield strength and homogeneous internal structure remains in production, we’re sure to meet our goals,” Alver says. Although they currently use Strenx® 960 and Strenx® 1100 steels in their boom designs, the company is planning to switch to the recently developed Strenx® 1300 to further innovate their development processes. 

Optimal workshop properties give manufacturers a competitive edge

The bendability of Strenx® offers huge benefits for manufacturers. “We expect our steel to be able to bend smoothly, even at small radii. With Strenx® steel, we can easily do this, giving us a great advantage,” Alver says. The steel’s weldability, he adds, is as important as its bendability. 

Gets technical training for trouble-free production

MPG believes that regular training is vital for making production as successful as possible. That’s why they take advantage of learning from SSAB’s technical support before working on any project with the steel. They get involved with tech support as early as the product design stage. “We’ve received all kinds of training, from how to cut Strenx®, to how to bend it, to how to handle it in our workshop,” he says. “For example, thanks to their training, we’ve learned about the fatigue properties of Strenx®, how to improve its fatigue resistance, and how to extend its life cycle. This is reflected in the quality of our products.” 

Expanding global outreach with My Inner Strenx®

With its technical training and My Inner Strenx® membership, MPG can ensure maximum hassle-free production efficiency. “Membership in My Inner Strenx® means that in every process that involves handling Strenx® steel, whether through cutting, bending, welding or painting, we can rely on the close support of SSAB engineers. They help us control, verify, and approve all the processes. Thanks to this program we gain significant advantages, especially in global export markets we’re looking to establish a presence in.”  

Strenx® products used: 

Customer benefits 

  • Higher lifting capacity
  • Farther reach
  • Reduced crane weight 
  • Workshop properties for better and easier cutting, welding and bending

About MPG A.Ş.

Based in Konya, Turkey, MPG Machinery Production Group Inc. manufactures truck-mounted knuckle boom cranes, truck-mounted telescopic cranes, all-terrain cranes, aerial working platforms, skid steer loaders and tree transplanters. It is a qualified member of the My Inner Strenx® program and has been using various grades of Strenx® ever since the steel was introduced.