Business ethics

SSAB operates in environments characterized by different cultures, values and traditions. We have zero tolerance of bribery and corruption, and observe high standards of business ethics.

Code of Conduct

Each member of SSAB’s Group Executive Committee has an important role to play in promoting a corporate culture in which ethics is a natural aspect of our business.

SSAB’s Code of Conduct is our ethical compass that sets out how all employees are expected to behave in relation to stakeholders and in business relationsships. The Code of Conduct covers areas such as health and safety, the environment, employee relations, human rights and business practices.

Training in business ethics

SSAB has a global e-learning program on SSAB’s Code of Conduct, anti-corruption and how to report irregularities through the Ethics Line function, which all employees are expected to complete.

Review of business partners

For example, SSAB may not enter into or renew agreements with agents and distributors in high-risk areas for corruption, before an assessment shows that they respect our fundamental rules of business ethics.

Ethics Line

SSAB is committed to responsible business practices. Employees and stakeholders are urged to report suspected violations of SSAB´s Code of Conduct and laws.

Process for human rights risks

SSAB continuously reviews risks and processes to prevent, identify and address any negative impact on human rights that the business may cause or contribute to.