These types of official buildings often experience threats of various degree. In times of unrest, they can be targets, jeopardizing the safety of the people inside. Being proactive by incorporating a protective shield of armor plates already from start is always recommended. It’s the best and most cost-effective way to ensure the highest grade of protection for staff and visitors in the event of an attack.
To protect the people inside these facilities they must be able to resist bullets, flying objects, shrapnel, and explosions, whether caused by external aggression or accidents. Protection from shrapnel and light weapons usually need armor plate with a thickness of 3-4 mm. If the potential threats are difficult to define, thicker plate might be a more suitable solution. Ask our tech support to find the recommended Armox® grade for a particular application.
Emergency refuge chambers are an integral part of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for underground mines, tunnels, or chemical operation. They are designed to keep the workers safe in case of fires, explosions, falling rock, flooding, and the release of smoke and other forms of toxic gas. The chambers are equipped with oxygen, power, water, and first aid material to give life support minimum 36 hours. They should resist an explosion with a minimum 15 psi (1.03 bar) overpressure 0.2 sec and impact from projectiles.
There are a variety of facilities that use Armox® and Ramor® protection plates to keep persons and belongings safe from threats such as explosions, bullets, or the dangers of being exposed to a tornado. They can be stationary or mobile. A tornado shelter in protection steel is lighter and more manageable compared to a concrete shelter.
The unique Swedish Embassy building in Washington – the House of Sweden – was opened in 2006. The building and atmosphere reflect lightness, openness, and transparency.
It’s a challenge when a customer wants a product that combines extreme strength and safety with an appealing design.
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